Knowledge Base.


The dashboard is displayed to the user when they login, providing instant visibility of absences, balances, expenses and any alerts they should be aware of.

All User dashboards will display their own absences, balances, and expenses. All user absences for the next 7 days are displayed.

Manager and HR Admin users will see these same details in the Overview tab. Alongside the Overview tab, are the Absence Requests and Expense Requests tabs, where requests requiring attention are listed.

Additionally, HR Admin users have access to the Pending Users tab. This shows all users that are pending approval after onboarding.

As a Finance Admin user, the Overview and Expense Requests tabs are displayed.

The My Balances card on the dashboard gives an overview of the absence balances for the user. The balances displayed here are determined by the Absence Policy associated with the user, the bookings they have made as well as any adjustments to their allowances. Clicking in the My Balances card will open the user's profile with the Absence tab in focus.

The My Next Absences card on the dashboard displays the next 5 planned absences for the user. By default, pending approval and accepted absences are displayed and this can be filtered using the dropdown. Clicking in the My Next Absences card will open the user's profile with the Absence tab in focus.

The My Expenses card on the dashboard displays up to 10 expenses, that have not been processed or that have been created in the last 30 days. Clicking in the My Expenses card will open the user's profile with the Expenses tab in focus.

The Upcoming Birthdays card on the dashboard is available for HR Admin users only. Birthdays for up to 5 users, occurring within the next 30 days will be displayed here. Clicking in the Upcoming Birthdays card will open the Users Report, where all user information, including date of birth, is returned.

The Upcoming Work Anniversaries card on the dashboard is available for HR Admin users only. Work anniversaries for up to 5 users, occurring within the next 30 days will be displayed here. Clicking in the Upcoming Work Anniversaries card will open the Users Report, where all user information, including employment start date, is returned.

The Weekly Absences card on the dashboard displays the planned absences for all users in the next 7 days. Clicking in the Weekly Absences card will open the Calendar, with the month view showing all the user absences and any public holidays. By default, the calendar shows users from all teams, and can be filtered to show individual team absences.

The Absence Requests tab is available to Manager approver users and HR Admin users and shows the absence requests waiting to be actioned by the logged in user. The absences can be filtered by teams and locations.

To accept a single absence:

  1. Select the absence, click Accept Absence from the Actions menu and confirm.

To accept all absences:

  1. Click Accept All and confirm.

The Expense Requests tab is available to Manager approvers, HR and Finance Admin users and shows the expense requests waiting to be actioned by the logged in user. The expense requests can be filtered by teams and locations. Clicking on an expense request in the table opens the expense claim details in the user's profile, and from there the expense can be actioned as appropriate.

The Pending Users tab is available to HR Admin users and shows the users waiting to be approved after completing onboarding. The pending users can be filtered by teams and locations.

To approve a single user:

  1. Select the user, click Approve and confirm.

To reject a single user:

  1. Select the user, click Reject, provide a rejection reason and confirm.

To approve all pending users:

  1. Click Approve All and confirm.

The alerts icon is always displayed in the header bar, and notifies the user when an action requires their attention. Clicking on the alert icon shows a list of actions waiting on the user, including pending users and absences, actionable expenses, and signature requests.

Clicking on a Pending User action, navigates to the user profile, where the user can be approved or rejected.

Clicking on a Pending Absence action, opens the absence record, where the absence can be accepted, rejected or cancelled.

Clicking on an Actionable Expense action, navigates to the profile expenses tab, where the claim can be actioned.

Clicking on a Signature Request action, navigates to the sign document card.